About Us
Briefly LEO Design
Mission & Vision
About Emine ARSLAN
Solution Partners
Erbil Sport Hotel Project...
Erbil Sport Hotel, all interior and exterior design jobs have been done by LEO Design…
Baku Surgery Clinic Project
LEO Design successfully completed the project that any kind of Plastic Surgery operations could be done in 5 floors clinic in Baku…
Kazakh City Governmental Conference Hall Project...
LEO Design has completed Governmental Hall Project with 180 seats...
BP Baku Headquarters Project...
Leader of the World Petrol Company is BP has chosen LEO Design...
Mission & Vision


LEO design, aims to design functional and globally impressive buildings and spaces all around the World. While meeting with client targets technically and aesthetically, all architectural value added solutions produced remain in planned budget and focus on raising quality of life.


LEO design, always aims taking part in bigger organizations, working with specialized consultancy teams to widen his experience and capacity. Due to its collaborative structure and step forward together, LEO design aware of its capable of undertaking projects of almost infinite range, dynamic proportions and creating individual design solutions for each.

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