Project Development
Project Management
Erbil Sport Hotel Project...
Erbil Sport Hotel, all interior and exterior design jobs have been done by LEO Design…
Baku Surgery Clinic Project
LEO Design successfully completed the project that any kind of Plastic Surgery operations could be done in 5 floors clinic in Baku…
Kazakh City Governmental Conference Hall Project...
LEO Design has completed Governmental Hall Project with 180 seats...
BP Baku Headquarters Project...
Leader of the World Petrol Company is BP has chosen LEO Design...
Application & Site Controlling

LEO Design application architecture describes the structure and behavior of applications used in a business, focused on how they interact with each other and with users. It is focused on the data consumed and produced by applications rather than their internal structure. In application portfolio management, the applications consist how multiple applications are poised to work together are usually mapped to business functions and to application platform technologies.

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